Product description
Strand of beads made of semi-precious stone rock crystal in a round shape
Mountain crystal is a multifunctional mineral used in the realms of technology, metaphysics, and creativity. It can focus, amplify, store, and transform energy. Aesthetically, it possesses an almost invisible presence. Although completely transparent, its sparkling light contains the entire color spectrum. When combined with other stones, their beautiful hues are reflected in the crystal, multiplying their beauty. Simultaneously, its presence enhances its psychic powers and energetic influence. There’s no need to hesitate—Mountain Crystal will assist you by amplifying your intuition during the creative process.
Metaphysical Properties of Clear Quartz Clear quartz, though one of the most abundant and diverse minerals in the world, is often the first crystal that comes to mind when we think of a crystal. This hexagonal prism of pure energy is regarded in the metaphysical world as the supreme gift of Mother Earth. Even the smallest clear quartz crystal is imbued with the properties of both a teacher and a healer. Wearing, holding, or meditating with a clear quartz crystal opens the mind and heart to higher guidance, bridging the spiritual and physical realms. It acts as an amplifier, enhancing the energy or intention placed within it and continuously radiating that energy. This can accelerate the fulfillment of prayers, healing, or spiritual growth. The crystal can maintain an energetic pattern long enough to manifest a particular goal. Crystals play a crucial role in evolution. They empower and clarify the intellect, support concentration, and improve memory. Their hypnotic qualities can lead to dreams filled with lessons and messages. Clear quartz crystals are utilized in various scientific fields and are known for their ability to convert mechanical pressure or heat into electromagnetic energy and vice versa. The ability of clear quartz to focus, amplify, store, and transform energy is harnessed in technology, making it the most multifunctional stone in the mineral kingdom. It is beneficial for healing, meditation, expanding consciousness, communicating with guides, time travel, and attracting love or prosperity. However, with great power comes great responsibility—any intention that deviates from good will inevitably leads to self-destruction. As a healer, the crystal alleviates various conditions. It is believed to stimulate the immune system, improve circulation, and enhance the energy flow within the body. Because clear quartz vibrates across the entire color spectrum, it simultaneously affects all chakras, helping them to harmonize with each other and attune to the frequencies of light. Just like people, each clear quartz crystal is unique, with its personality, lessons, and experiences. The crystals that enter a person’s life will uniquely aid in their personal growth and awareness.